Frequently Asked Questions

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General Questions:

What are the benefits of using a LR window?

LR windows are hand built by craftsman who love and have pride in their product. Each window is custom built to the specific size and style required by the client. We use all hardwood products to replicate the existing window that’s being replaced. Typically, we use a sustainably-harvested wood, sapele mahogany or quarter sawn white oak. These hardwoods are stable and extremely weather and wear resistant.

We replace the weight and pully system and use a hidden spring system that allows the window sashes to operate smoothly. By eliminating the weight system, we are able to insulate the existing weight pocket therefor creating a tighter opening and offering a more modern insulated opening that puts an end to cold spots while still providing a beautiful window.

What makes a door and window historic?

The local government and historic societies typically regulate and oversee what they deem to be in a historic area. It can be the age of the building, the neighborhood that the property is located in or even a property that has a connection to an historic event. Whichever it may be there are typically people that oversee their replacement and approval of any window replacement.

Process Questions:

What are the specifics of a historic door & window?

Typically, windows are more the historic portion of the requirement.

  • Firstly, the window must be entirely constructed from wood.
  • Next the profiles on the edges of the sashes are required to be a certain size and shape in order to replicate the window that is being replaced
  • If the sashes contain more than one lite, the muntin also have to be a specific size and shape to replicate the window that is being replaced.
  • Glass or glazing is not usually part of the guidelines in that the old glass has to remain.
  • Having the ability to replace the old-style glass with insulated or tempered is one of the benefits of replacing with a historic reproduction.

Do I have to re-use the weight and pully system?

The short answer is no. The older style of pullies and weights worked well especially if chains were used. However, weight pockets have to be provided for the weights to move up and down and create an opportunity for cold air and even wind to penetrate. If it’s a rope system, the ropes usually fail over time and require repairs by a window specialist.